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Search > Library: Museo del Prado
  Museo del Prado: Catálogo de los cuadros


Publisher: Blass, S.A.
City: Madrid
Year 1952
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the paintings in the Prado Museum, published in 1952.
Id: 565


  Museo del Prado: Catálogo de las pinturas


Publisher: Blass, S.A.
City: Madrid
Year 1963
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the paintings in the Prado Museum, published in 1963.
Id: 564


  Catálogo de dibujos I. Dibujos españoles de los siglos XV-XVI-XVII


Author:  Pérez Sánchez, Alfonso E.
Publisher: Seix y Barral
City: Madrid
Year 1972
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Drawing
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the Spanish drawings from the 15th to the 17th century in the Prado Museum, published in 1972.
Id: 563


  Museo del Prado: Catálogo de las pinturas


Publisher: Seix y Barral
City: Barcelona
Year 1972
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the paintings in the Prado Museum, published in 1972.
Id: 562


  Exposición de la obra de Eduardo Rosales (1836-1873)


Author:  Salas, Xavier de
Publisher: Museo del Prado
City: Madrid
Year 1973
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Painting
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the exhibition dedicated to the painter Eduardo Rosales, published by the Prado Museum on the occasion of the XXIII International Congress of Art History.
Id: 561


  Catálogo del Legado Fernández Durán : artes decorativas


Author:  Ceballos-Escalera, Isabel de
Publisher: Patronato Nacional de Museos
City: Madrid
Year 1974
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Decorative arts
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the legacy Pedro Fernández Durán made to the Prado Museum in 1923. The legacy consists of paintings, drawings, furniture, porcelain, pottery and cloth. Written by Isabel de Ceballos-Escalera and María Braña de Diego.
Id: 560


  Catálogo de dibujos II. Dibujos españoles siglo XVIII


Author:  Arnáez, Rocío
Publisher: Seix y Barral
City: Madrid
Year 1975
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Drawing
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the Spanish drawings of the 18th century in the Prado Museum, published in 1975.
Id: 559


  Catálogo de dibujos III. Dibujos españoles siglo XVIII


Author:  Pérez Sánchez, Alfonso E.
Publisher: Seix y Barral
City: Madrid
Year 1977
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Drawing
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the Spanish drawings of the 18th century in the Prado Museum, published in 1975.
Id: 558


  Catálogo de la Escultura


Author:  Blanco, Antonio ; Morente, Manuel
Publisher: Patronato Nacional de Museos
City: Madrid
Year 1981
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Sculpture
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of sculptures in the Prado Museum, published in 1981.
Id: 557


  Catálogo de dibujos VI. Dibujos italianos del siglo XVII


Author:  Mena Marqués, Manuela B.
Publisher: Alfiz
City: Madrid
Year 1983
Document type:  Catalogs
Subject: Drawing
Library: Museo del Prado
Abstract: Catalog of the Italian drawings of the 17th century in the Prado Museum, published in 1983.
Id: 556


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